The "Brand Forum of the Electrical Industry":

ELMAR finalists and 2023 master scholarship holders selected.

On December 7, 2023, the "Elektromarken. Starke Partner." e.V. invited guests to the annual "Brand Forum of the Electrical Industry" followed by an ELMAR Night in the form of a gala dinner. Around 180 invited guests took part in the established industry event, which was held at the Hyatt Regency in Düsseldorf. A special feature this year: instead of a guest lecture, former ELMAR award winners were given a stage as part of a panel discussion. From a personal perspective, ELMAR alumni Dirk Marschner (Marschner Elektrotechnik) and Bernd Apitz (leitec® Gebäudetechnik GmbH) reviewed the last 15 years of the brand award together with the founding fathers Burkhard Kaiser and Walter Mennekes. Prior to this, the ten brands awarded by the "Elektromarken. Starke Partner." were awarded to motivated young electronics engineers. The ELMAR 2023 award ceremony was also particularly exciting this year, with fifteen strong finalists in five categories receiving their ELMAR trophies. The subsequent ELMAR Night offered the scholarship holders and award winners a special setting for celebrating and networking.

Exceptional brand awareness and innovative brand concepts - this is what the "Elektromarken. Starke Partner." e.V. brand award ELMAR. Since 2008, the renowned industry prize has been awarded to electrical trade companies that stringently develop their corporate brand and live it together with their employees. Young companies that were founded no more than three years ago can apply for the "ELMAR Newcomer" and receive particularly intensive support from the electrical brands. In line with the omnipresent issue of the shortage of skilled workers in Germany, another category was introduced in 2017: the "ELMAR Employer". This award is aimed at electrical trade companies that impress with their strong brand awareness as an employer and focus on innovative employee concepts and strategies.

This year's award winners were once again selected by independent experts from various disciplines during a jury meeting lasting several days. The ELMAR 2023 finalists include 15 electrical trade companies in five different categories. While three places were awarded in categories one to three, which are graded according to company size, and rewarded with "Gold", "Silver" and "Bronze", the jury selected one company each in categories four and five as ELMAR Newcomer 2023 and ELMAR Employer of the Year.

In addition to the coveted ELMAR trophy, the winners of categories one to three can once again expect a high-quality prize package in 2023, with prize money of between €2,000 and €8,000 - increased this year - as well as selected communication measures. The winners will receive an "ELMAR brand film" for their business and will also be part of the "Elektromarken. Strong partners." This also applies to the ELMAR Employer and the ELMAR Newcomer. The ELMAR Newcomer 2023 can also look forward to prize money of 10,000 euros. The winner in the ELMAR Employer category will receive prize money of 6,000 euros for targeted employee development and acquisition.

We would especially like to congratulate our Competence Partner Elektro-Perfektion-Pesch from Düsseldorf on winning first place in Category 2 (11 - 30 employees). We are proud of the great cooperation and congratulate you on this success!